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We'd like to hear what God has done for you. Kindly use the form below to share your tesimony.

01 Jan

Being consistence in tithe

First my gratitude to my highly Esteemed Zonal Pastor, Pastor Chike Ume for investing so much in me. My testimony is on tithe, I always give more than 10% of my tithe for example if my tithe is 7000 Naira I will give 7500 Naira. I give what I want to receive as salary, to the glory of God the next month after I started giving more than the regular 10%, My salary was increased to the exact amount I tithed. Glory to God! the word of God is living and active

01 Jan

Healed from witchcraft

Thank you so much our man of God Pastor Chris for the healing streams live healing service. Thank you for allowing God to work through you, I was witched from a young age until the age of 48, I struggled a lot with leg problems, there were moving objects in my legs and spiritual attacks, bad dreams, sleeping with a man. I had struggled my entire life until God connected me with you through the healing live stream on Sunday, eveything disappeared from my legs. It's like I am dreaming but It's happening. I get my deliverance, Glory be to God .

01 Jan


After completing the medication for infection on Monday the 1st of July, the very next day I felt as though something flew into my mouth which I did not see but felt it in my throat. As I went to the restroom to clear my throat, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to say, "Thou spirit of infirmity, I cut you out in the name of Jesus. " Instantly, the irritation ceased and the feeling cleared from my throat. Never to return in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen. Thank you Lord Jesus. Glory be to God! Hallelujah!

01 Jan

Divine Health and Excellence

Glory to God... I thank God for His life at work in me... I haven't had any cause for my parents to take me to the hospital or to fall sick... All year round I have been healthy and strong.. In my academy am doing excellently well... Glory!!!

01 Jan

God's Faithfulness; His is true to His Word

Am grateful to God for His faithfulness... I started talking about my kids more than 11years ago and even started partnership for them even before I got married.. what was said is what I have the two children I asked for... His word on our lips is He talking indeed.. I gave birth first week of June through CS, Everything was perfectly done, excellent recovery and baby is perfect, provisions where made. .the process of recovering and healing was and is very fast; within 2weeks my dressing has been removed the nurse testified that I was healing fast.. I want to thank God for the speedy and accurate recovery. Great is God faithfulness!!! Thanks to our Esteemed Pastor Chike for His prayers love and care...

01 Jul

I was brought to church by my Would-be husband in late 2021. The period I started coming was during the end of the year award and all of that. So I noticed that people would be called out and given an award but I don't know what they did. Most especially DCNS Chioma Ibeto comes first in all. So I asked my friend what was happening, and he said they gave millions of naira that earned them the award. So I asked him why is his name not mentioned in any category he said his money hadn't gotten to theirs. So I asked him who do they give the money to. He said is a partnership, I asked, do they do business with the church, and he said they give for the distribution of Rhapsody of Realities. So I started joining him at church and I kept seeing this award thing. So I told him they would call our names when we get married. Fast forward to after our wedding in 2022, I noticed my husband's finance went to zero, even to the extent he no longer have transport to even go to work and church. On Sunday I will notice if am preparing for church he's in bed, he will tell me to go and that he's coming but when I get to church I won't see him, I will message him that where are you he would say he's at home that he doesn't have transport. I was like my father told me to marry an Igbo man, now marriage hasn't gotten to 6 months no transport. So I was in church a Sunday pastor stared talking about 1 million distribution of Rhapsody of Realities for zone 6. I started the giving journey, I would fill envelopes for myself, fill for my husband, fill for our unborn kids... I started giving, Pastor Chike would say to give at your level, but I kept doing it gradually. To God be the glory at the end of that 1 million distribution, I was able to give 300+ copies, And that's how partnership started in my life. We had our marriage blessing and my husband's finances were becoming worse but I kept standing in the gap, in prayers and partnership. To God be the Glory, around october 2023, A family member called my husband to handle a business and that was the turning point. By God's grace, I took in by December, and to God be the glory money kept coming in for our needs. Now my husband can proudly show me the record of his partnership. Even last year, during the House of Pleroma end-of-the-year party he was called among the first 50 people. I told him, this year zonal award we would be among top 50. God is faithful

16 Jun


Praise God. I had a fall in my house on May 30th and I landed on my right elbow. After that I started feeling very severe pain on my right elbow such that I couldn't lift my right hand up. I prayed about it and left it. It was so till I came to church on Sunday June 2nd. During the worship segment, I noticed I had raised my right hand up and the pain was no longer as severe as it was. I dropped my hand and raised it up again during and it was easy to do so. I was happy and started praising God for my healing from where I was and it's been good since then. I just want to thank God for this. Thank you, Chimezie.

07 Jun


MY TESTIMONY I Want To Say A Big Thanks to My Highly you Esteem Zonal Pastor , My Group Pastor For this Wonderful opportunity to share this beautiful testimony. Late 2022 when I finished my service(NYSC). I Came back to Lagos believing God for a good Job. Everyone i had conversations about getting a Job, will say their is no job, or They will Ask me to submit my C.V, And the next thing I will hear from them will be like, how are you sure your credentials has not been thrown away( this may sound funny but I know those words are from the pit of hell ). May 2023 ...I just got my hand on a Job , I found something to do( but not an ideal job or neither is it paying me well) it was a teaching Job, But I did it with all my heart believing God that he will and has provided a better one. meanwhile I told God I don't want to use up to 1 year in this organization. January 2024 Our Highly Esteemed Group Pastor was preaching to us about first fruit, I was having a fight within me wether to give it or not considering that I'm not earning much and no savings to keep up for the month. So I finally decided to pay half and the next month pay the other half. So I went to my pastor, and I have discussion with him about what I intended to do, to my disappointment He said: They don't give first fruit in part, if you will have to give, give all ,it's your first and best: He saw my expression and He was like :( don't limit God, there nothing to much for him to do, he will sustain you through the month and you will have a testimony). I immediately went out withdraw all the money ( salary) in my account. I emptied it. I gave it. That month was an awesome month for me. after that month, 1. There is this note of victory within me. 2. I could not stop giving no matter how little 3. There is this Joy within me always that I can't just explain. 4. My fellowship with the HOLY spirit was on another level. Time pass by then fast forward to May 15 ...the exact month I took up the teaching Job I was doing, that month makes it one year, Right inside that small school I teach, a parent and also an associate of that school, called me, and told me about a Job offer , And she said I want you to go, I got the job and the amazing thing about this is that My Salary is Four Times What I Was Earning before, Our God is awesome!!! I want to to thank Our Highly Esteemed Zonal Director For Sending My Group Pastor to our Group, Christ Embassy Olodi Group is a light that beams brightly, thank Very Much Esteemed Group Pastor sir, for saying yes to God's calling, thank you for teaching us the part to Grace..I Love You Dearly Sir .!!❤️❤️

09 May

From a first timer in church, and from a prisoner who was released by faith confession

Sister Evelyn, came to church for the first time last Sunday for the past months for the past months,there had been no customer in her shop and for the past month no one has been helping her... Only visited church her business was revived again, and God healed her of sickness she has been battling for years..

01 Jan

Miracle Job

Highly Esteem Pastor good day Sir, When Rev Chris DSc DSC DD said Apirl month of Intercession. Pastor Sir, thanks Sir, for giving us the platform to pray with instructions fellowing Pastor asked us to Intercessed for other, I wrote name of people that has needs to be prayed for . Sis Pat has been out of job for more than 8months now . Last month April God gave her miracle Job She resume work by 8am n close by 3pm. she said with escort to drive her home Gloryyyyyy this could only be God. She has applied countless jobs before

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Christ Embassy City Church (CECT) is the beautiful Church of Champions where we give your life a meaning and build a happier world with love. At Christ Embassy City Church, you'll know love like you've never known it to be. We invite you to join us and flow in liquid love.

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