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Special commendation awards from the Inner City Missions For Children

Precious moments from the #1BillionMealsCampaign Grand launch The Esteemed Zonal Pastor- Esteemed Pastor Chike Ume and Partners in Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 6, recieved The Food Hero Gold plate Award from the Highly esteemed Chairman of the InnerCity Mission- Most Rev. Tom Amenkhienan for their outstanding contribution to the 1 Billion Meals Campaign through the Construction of a Foodbank in their community and for regularly serving the indigent and underserved child child care institutions...

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Christ Embassy City Church (CECT) is the beautiful Church of Champions where we give your life a meaning and build a happier world with love. At Christ Embassy City Church, you'll know love like you've never known it to be. We invite you to join us and flow in liquid love.

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  • Christ Embassy City Church, 337, 339 Old Ojo Rd, Satellite Town 102102, Lagos
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