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Molding the Future

The Teens church of the Christ Embassy City Church caters to the spiritual needs of teenagers. Our teenagers are born-again, full of the Holy Ghost, unique and dynamic; called by God to play a chief role in the end time move of the Spirit. Our Vision is to carry God’s divine presence to all the people of the world, demonstrating to them the character of the Spirit.

Our dear man of God, Rev Chris Oyakhilome Ph.D has a passion to see lives transformed by the power of God. Millions of young people across the globe have been affected by his ministry, many of whom have dedicated their lives to reaching other young people in the world.

Are you a teenager or do you have teenagers in your care? Joining the Teens Church will help them fulfil their maximum potential.

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About Us

Christ Embassy City Church (CECT) is the beautiful Church of Champions where we give your life a meaning and build a happier world with love. At Christ Embassy City Church, you'll know love like you've never known it to be. We invite you to join us and flow in liquid love.

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  • Christ Embassy City Church, 337, 339 Old Ojo Rd, Satellite Town 102102, Lagos
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